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║    File: ║  history.htm                                         ║
║  Author: ║  Walter Zorn                                         ║
║ Content: ║  Changelog of the Tooltip JavaScript wz_tooltip.js,  ║
║          ║  starting with version 3.28                          ║
║     Web: ║                           ║
║          ║                            ║
║    Note: ║  Thanks to m. h. for formatting this file.           ║

│ Legend:           │
│ + New feature     │
│ * Changed feature │
│ - Removed feature │
│ ! Bugfix          │

║ Version │ Release date │                                 Changes                                          ║
║         │              │! STICKY tooltips extending past the bottom boundary of the document were not     ║
║         │              │  always positioned correctly in IE.                                              ║
║         │              │* Scroll/resize eventhandlers no more required, size of script slightly smaller.  ║
║  5.31   │  07.11.2008  │tip_balloon.js v. 1.8:                                                            ║
║         │              │+ Configuration variable / command for specifying the file name extension         ║
║         │              │  (e.g. "gif", "png") of balloon images.                                          ║
║         │              │! Stem not always offset correctly in IE.                                         ║
║         │              │+ New command EXCLUSIVE (for STICKY tooltips): No other tooltip can be displayed  ║
║         │              │  until the current one has been closed actively by the user.                     ║
║  5.3    │  02.10.2008  │! Regression fixed: Automatic width adaption in old Geckos (<= 1.7).              ║
║         │              │! Now the inner size of the window is detected more reliably => fixed tooltip     ║
║         │              │  positioning issues in certain browsers, e.g. with the Centerwindow plugin.      ║
║         │              │+ FIX command provides now two modes. Mode 1: Tooltip at fixed x and y            ║
║  5.2    │  17.07.2008  │  coordinates. Mode 2: Tooltip fixated at any desired HTML element, with          ║
║         │              │  specifiable horizontal and vertical offset.                                     ║
║         │              │* Improved positioning of HTML elements converted to a tooltip by TagToTip().     ║
║  5.14   │  15.07.2008  │  Previous position and display are restored when the tooltip is being hidden.    ║
║         │              │! When converting an HTML element to a tooltip and applying the BALLOON command,  ║
║         │              │  the content is now placed inside the balloon tooltip rather than beneath it.    ║
║  5.13   │  20.06.2008  │! Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar on RTL pages while tooltip not visible.        ║
║         │              │! IE sometimes doesn't fire an onscroll event when the page is being refreshed.   ║
║  5.12   │  13.06.2008  │  Workaround by Levy B.                                                           ║
║         │              │! Tooltip transparency, fade-in and fade-out didn't work in Opera 9.5.            ║
║         │              │! Minor issue: Tooltip to be displayed and hidden with delay (DELAY and negative  ║
║  5.11   │  22.05.2008  │  DURATION value) whould show up even after the mouse has already left the        ║
║         │              │  hovered HTML element. Thanks to Patrick Veenstra for reporting and fixing this. ║
║         │              │+ New command TITLEPADDING, specifying the padding around the title text.         ║
║         │              │tip_balloon.js:                                                                   ║
║  5.1    │  10.04.2008  │! Negative WIDTH values specifying max width work now also with BALLOON tooltips. ║
║         │              │* Reliability of edge formatting improved (added 'vertical-align' css attribute,  ║
║         │              │  suggested by Thomas Corthals).                                                  ║
║  5.01   │  13.03.2008  │! Regression of v.5.0 fixed: Title text will now auto-wrap again, if tooltip      ║
║         │              │  width is restricted and insufficient.                                           ║
║         │              │* Now onmouseout HTML attributes calling UnTip() are required!                    ║
║         │              │  This is less elegant, but more reliable, and gives the user more freedom in     ║
║         │              │  specifying the event upon which to hide a tooltip.                              ║
║         │              │+ CLICKSTICKY command added which enables the user to fixate the tooltip by just  ║
║         │              │  clicking with the left mousebutton.                                             ║
║         │              │+ Now the height of tooltips can optionally be specified (HEIGHT command).        ║
║         │              │  Courtesy Stefan Galinski, 6.2.2008.                                             ║
║         │              │  Like with the width, a negative number specifies a maximum for the automatic    ║
║         │              │  height adaption.                                                                ║
║         │              │+ A negative value of -1 for the WIDTH command or global Width config variable    ║
║         │              │  has now a special meaning: Then the width of the tooltip is determined by the   ║
║         │              │  horizontal extent required for the tooltip's title bar.                         ║
║  5.0    │  04.03.2008  │+ JUMPHORZ and JUMPVERT commands added which specify whether a tooltip, when      ║
║         │              │  touching a window boundary, should jump to the other side of the mouse, instead ║
║         │              │  of just stop by the window boundary.                                            ║
║         │              │+ A negative value for the DURATION command specifies a delay after the           ║
║         │              │  onmouseout until the tooltip disappears. (Feature suggested by Dirk Osswald.)   ║
║         │              │+ It's no longer mandatory to hide automatically HTML elements to be converted    ║
║         │              │  to tooltips. Just set the global configuration variable TagsToTip to false.     ║
║         │              │+ New command for BALLOON tooltip plugin: Horizontal offset of stem from mouse    ║
║         │              │  can be adjusted.                                                                ║
║         │              │* Tooltip with CLICKCLOSE command doesn't close upon right-clicks, so the         ║
║         │              │  browser's context menu works properly on the tooltip.                           ║
║         │              │  Suggested by Richard Romley.                                                    ║
║         │              │! In IE wrong tooltip position when switching browser window to fullscreen.       ║
║         │              │! Font anti-aliasing to tooltip text did not work in IE.                          ║
║         │              │+ The WIDTH command and the global Width config variable both accept now negative ║
║  4.13   │  09.08.2007  │  values to specify a maximum for the automatic width adaption.                   ║
║         │              │  Courtesy Jeff Rowberg, David Rothenberger and others.                           ║
║  4.12   │  13.07.2007  │! Tooltips are better protected against inheriting changed line-height style.     ║
║         │              │+ Global variable tt_Enabled added. Allows to (temporarily) suppress tooltips,    ║
║         │              │  e.g. by providing the user with a button that sets this variable to false.      ║
║         │              │+ New plugin: Balloon tooltips.                                                   ║
║         │              │* Default text of closebutton changed to 'X'.                                     ║
║  4.11   │  22.06.2007  │* Behaviour of CENTERMOUSE command changed: Offset from center as specified by    ║
║         │              │  OFFSETX or in the global configuration.                                         ║
║         │              │* OnMouseMove extension eventhandler renamed, and split into OnMoveBefore and     ║
║         │              │  OnMoveAfter.                                                                    ║
║         │              │! In Firefox, tooltips triggered by events other than onmouseover did not show up ║
║         │              │  before the mouse was moved.                                                     ║
║  4.1    │  19.06.2007  │+ COPYCONTENT command added. Only relevant for TagToTip().                        ║
║         │              │+ Interface for plugins extended.                                                 ║
║  4.01   │  02.06.2007  │! Shadow height not correct under some circumstances.                             ║
║         │              │! Safari crash while loading the page, if TagsToTip option was activated.         ║
║         │              │Entirely rewritten.                                                               ║
║         │              │TAKE CARE: Now wz_tooltip.js should been included at the beginning of the <body>  ║
║         │              │section. The syntax of defining and configuring tooltips inside onmouseovers      ║
║         │              │has been changed!                                                                 ║
║         │              │+ Tooltips can now be created and changed dynamically.                            ║
║         │              │+ Width of tooltips is adapted automatically (by default, but it can also be      ║
║         │              │  specified if desired).                                                          ║
║  4.0    │  26.05.2007  │+ Arbitrary HTML elements can be converted (by their ID) to tooltips, which       ║
║         │              │  means you can have search-engine-relevant content in tooltips.                  ║
║         │              │+ New commands to center a tooltip beneath or above the mouse, to define          ║
║         │              │  a closebutton in a tooltip's titlebar, to fade-in and fade-out a tooltip,       ║
║         │              │  to align the text in the titlebar.                                              ║
║         │              │+ Interface for extensions (plugins). To be extended in the future.               ║
║         │              │+ Debug option that might help you to detect some typical errors.                 ║
║         │              │! Can now co-exist with other eventhandler functions in the same onmouseover.     ║
║         │              │- Support of ancient browsers such as NN 4 and Opera 5/6 dropped.                 ║
║  3.45   │  22.01.2007  │+ this.T_CLICKCLOSE command added.                                                ║
║  3.44   │  30.11.2006  │+ Improved cross-browser compliance with XHTML documents.                         ║
║         │              │+ Alt and title attributes of HTML childnodes (e.g. an image nested into an <a>)  ║
║  3.43   │  28.11.2006  │  are removed recursively.                                                        ║
║         │              │* Workaround for bug in FF: False "captureEvents"/"releaseEvents" deprecation     ║
║         │              │  warnings if calls to those functions are based on object detection.             ║
║  3.42   │  08.11.2006  │+ Tooltips positioned above the mousepointer recognize the top window boundary.   ║
║  3.41   │  26.10.2006  │+ Added support for TEXTAREA tags.                                                ║
║         │              │* Improvements for IE7 (e.g. no IFRAME necessary anymore to cover windowed form   ║
║         │              │  elements).                                                                      ║
║  3.40   │  26.10.2006  │! Tooltip creation faster in IE 6. There was an iframe created for each tooltip,  ║
║         │              │  rather than a single iframe just for the presently visible tooltip. Thanks to   ║
║         │              │  Torsten Foertsch and Samuel Monsarrat for notifying me about that issue).       ║
║         │              │* Workaround for an alzheimerous bug in Firefox. Apparently, when a page is       ║
║  3.39   │  17.10.2006  │  reloaded, FF would partially keep JS content and references in memory, but      ║
║         │              │  would have forgotten what is kept in memory :(                                  ║
║  3.38   │  08.12.2005  │! Works now also with XHTML DTDs. Thanks to Gabriel Blum for the fix.             ║
║  3.37   │  02.12.2005  │! Problem in Firefox 1.5 with undefined variable tt_ifrm solved.                  ║
║  3.36   │  05.11.2005  │! Fixed: Possible JS error in old IE (v.4.x).                                     ║
║         │              │+ SELECT tags are supported.                                                      ║
║  3.35   │  13.10.2005  │! Fixed: In IE, static or sticky tooltips didn't override SELECTs when            ║
║         │              │  overlapping with them.                                                          ║
║  3.34   │  09.09.2005  │! Backgroundcolours applied via CSS to tables generally can't affect the          ║
║         │              │  bordercolour of the tooltips anymore.                                           ║
║         │              │+ Now also the options "tooltip above mousepointer", "tooltip on the left         ║
║  3.33   │  11.08.2005  │  of the mousepointer", "sticky tooltip" and "static tooltip" can be set          ║
║         │              │  globally, i.e. as default for all tooltips.                                     ║
║  3.32   │  20.07.2005  │+ Suppresses "Address: ..." popups over links in Opera.                           ║
║  3.31   │  10.06.2005  │+ Covers now also comboboxes (windowed elements) in IE (IE 5.5+).                 ║
║         │              │! Comboboxes won't flicker anymore when being overlapped by a tooltip             ║
║  3.30   │  27.04.2005  │+ New command T_OPACITY allows to specify the transparency of a tooltip.          ║
║         │              │+ Remembers and restores mousemove eventhandlers defined by other scripts         ║
║         │              │  on the page => improved compatibility with scripts that do not by their own     ║
║  3.28   │  23.04.2005  │  release and re-capture mousemove events dynamically.                            ║
║         │              │* Remembers and restores the previous visibility of a windowed form element       ║
║         │              │  that has been hidden while being overlapped by a tooltip.                       ║